速報APP / 商業 / Access Assist

Access Assist



檔案大小:38.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


Access Assist(圖1)-速報App

Access Assist is designed to help businesses of all kinds deal with requests for access to the personal data they hold, whether the requests are made by employees, customers or others.

The Data Protection Act gives individuals the right to be told what personal data an organisation is processing about them and to receive a copy of that information by making a data “subject access request”. Compliance with such requests can require business to undertake searches of large volumes of data, including email correspondence, which can result in massive costs. Requests are often received in connection with employee disputes or other litigation.

Failure to comply with requests can lead to complaints to the Information Commissioner’s Office and, potentially, fines of up to GBP500,000. Access Assist takes users through a series of factual questions to assist in determining if and to what extent a response is required, as well as providing supporting information on how to respond, including targeted summaries of legislation, case law and guidance.

Features include:

- Bite-sized summaries of relevant ICO guidance, case law and legislation

- Interactive Q&A-based response assistance tool

- Analysis of available exemptions

- Frequently asked questions

Access Assist(圖2)-速報App

- Links to support materials

- Fee tables

The ICO have welcomed the App. Commenting, Deputy Information Commissioner David Smith said: “We congratulate Allen & Overy on the development of this app. The right of subject access is at the heart of the Data Protection Act. Any tool that makes it easier for businesses to understand and meet their obligations to those individuals they hold information about can only be welcomed.”

Useful links:

Latest news and legal knowledge: www.allenovery.com

On Twitter: www.twitter.com/allenovery

Allen & Overy is an international legal practice comprising Allen & Overy LLP and its affiliated undertakings. Accordingly references to Allen & Overy mean Allen & Overy LLP and the other partnerships, corporations and other undertakings which are authorised to practise using the name "Allen & Overy" or one or more of those undertakings as the context requires.

Allen & Overy LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC306763 and registered office at One Bishops Square, London, E1 6AD, United Kingdom. Allen & Overy LLP is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) of England and Wales, whose regulations can be found on their website at www.sra.org.uk . Allen & Overy LLP is registered for VAT purposes with VAT registration number GB 877 0850 89. A list of the members of Allen & Overy LLP and of the non-members who are designated as partners and their professional qualifications is open to inspection at its registered office.

Access Assist(圖3)-速報App

If you require advice on a specific legal issue, please contact a lawyer listed on the Lawyer directory of A&O Connect or at www.allenovery.com via the "Contact Us" page.

Access Assist(圖4)-速報App
